I grew up in an area that was known for its 'good schools.' When in high school our school received honor from Washington DC as one of the top 10 in the nation- whatever that means. Men in suits came to study our classes sitting in the back with clipboards. But somehow through all of this wonderful education I only learned yesterday that an egg is unbreakable with human hands. I was reading some stuff on Iran and came across an article written by an architect who uses arches based on the design of an egg, which he said was extremely strong. Strong? I immediately mocked. Then he went to say even if squeezed between the palms using elbows as leverage it could not be broken. I of coarse ran to the kitchen, called the girls together and we experimented. And were all shocked!
Making faces always helps squeeze harder! The girls have been having a fun time asking people, "Do you think you can crack an egg with your bare hands?" They have yet to find someone who says, no. And are thinking of making some money off of it betting people.
I'm so amazed that I have now at age 40 learned this. We've even had chickens and collected eggs daily. I am continually amazed at nature and its infinite wisdom and design. I was recently reading a book that said we would be far more technologically advanced if our children just observed nature more often. I couldn't agree more.
I find this profound on so many ways. One thing that comes to mind is how something so delicate can be so strong. I think we know many people like this- that seem so delicate until tough times hit and suddenly they show such strength. And vice-versa. Some very tough people can break so easily when hit in the right spot.
Then we also discovered that we could get boiled eggs to stand up when they spin, buy not raw eggs.