My mom is a notorious gambler- not hard core, but slots all the way. She loves nothing more than to book herself into a casino and stay up all night pushing the 'play maximum credits' button. So now that we're in town she's thrilled to have youngin's to influence in the way of the wager. Her new ritual with the girls is to go out to Chinese on Tuesday nights, take the lucky numbers from the fortune cookies and play the lottery on Wednesdays. She has never lost her thick German accent so to the girls it sounds like she's always talking about the "power bowl." She has big stacks of empty sheets at home so immediately following the storing of the leftovers upon our return, the girls head straight to her desk for power bowl sheets and sit down to fill them out with a #2 pencil. I have never played the lottery don't recall ever even considering it. But now when I drive down the freeway and see the huge sign advertising its millions I do give it a little wink. Now, if I could just get it to wink back...