Jacaranda trees are in bloom! They have excellent seedpods for making little 'kiddies' out of. We sometimes make angels out of the in which case we glue wings to the back and usually omit the beret.
The nice thing about using natural materials for crafts is that they not only make for beautiful objects, but they have children looking at nature in a different way. All seed pods are potential treasures. Acorn tops are hats, bark becomes boats or blocks, etc. We usually come home with stuffed pockets from our walks. I was once with an adult running group and I was constantly bending over picking up treasures to take home. After a few weeks of ridicule there were quite a few in the group joining me in finding the perfect acorn cap or twig or eucalyptus pod. Appreciation of small beautiful objects is contagious.
I small wooden ball is glued to the top of the pod, wool roving glued on as hair with the cap on top. super simple. I did this with a first grade class and then we hung them up from the ceiling. The whole room was full of floating angels. beautiful.